鳥類頭骨高跟鞋首次公開亮相於芬蘭的藝術展演空間Tetem。此項設計來自於德裔藝術家Marieka Ratsma和波蘭裔美國建築師Kostika Spaho。近年來,3D列印技術的興起讓他們對於仿生科技有了些許的想法。他們希望透過設計一款利用3D列印技術的仿生設計作品,傳達利用3D列印技術的另一項可能—仿生科技因為有了此項技術得以更精確地模仿生物結構。
上圖為鳥類頭骨高跟鞋的設計 草圖,
左圖為藝術家Marieka Ratsma,
右下圖為波蘭裔美國建築師Kostika Spaho。
What was the inspiration for the Biomimicry shoe?
In one word nature.
“Nature could serve as a source of inspiration for a new way of designing. If we learn from its experience in the field of design, processes and lifestyles, we can develop intelligent systems, ingenious products and effective partnerships. Nature can also prove highly inspiring in the field of fashion. Above all, she can teach us to make more efficient use of materials and smarter constructions. In this regard, rapidly developing innovative technologies, such as 3D printing, may prove beneficial by offering us means of imitating nature more accurately in our designs. Nature actually functions by making efficient use of raw materials and pooling resources. This approach can also be applied in the fashion sector. The smart use of materials and cross fertilisation among various disciplines could lead to a new design perspective. The concentration of strengths and sharing of burdens creates a win-win situation for all players, a synergy.”